New political committee forms in Franklin
In what could be a warning of future actions to come, a new group has formed in Franklin. The Franklin Exploratory Recall Committee, while a political committee at this time and not a recall committee, filed its paperwork with the City Clerk on January 6th. The Clerk, Sandi Wesolowski, told Franklin Today while the group has "recall" in its name, it is purely a political committee at this time, since recall paperwork cannot be filed until an officeholder has been in his or her term for at least one year.
The Committee's Treasurer, Michelle Borreson, provded some insight as to what this group wants to do. "Our focus at this time is on (4th District Alderwoman) Janet Evans, although at this time we are at a stand still. We do plan on ramping up our efforts once the weather improves." Borreson also provided contact information for Orville Seymer as an individual assisting with "the recall efforts".
Seymer has been involved in many recalls and petition drives throughout Franklin and the Milwaukee metropolitan area. Most recently he's been active with his organization, Citizens for Responsible Government (CRG), in obtaining signatures to force a referedum in Milwaukee regarding its Streetcar project. On the homefront, Seymer has played a role in 4th District politics previously, having a key role in efforts to recall then-Alderman Basil Ryan, which was successful but also controversial.