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The shine of Franklin continues to diminish

The Baleful Blogger’s continued quest of harassing Franklin’s Council President brings to mind many topics of the past (and present-day). Here are a few that come to mind, which along with the current tactics, continues to take the shine off Franklin.

  • Let’s cover how Olson’s supporters were behind the Ryan recall and how the group was caught red-handed and forced to disband, but yet the story still floats about the big bad Basil.

  • Let’s recall how, despite Olson’s pledge in a recent mailer of “moving Franklin in a positive, ethical and responsive direction”, he made the motion to eliminate Franklin’s Ethics Board a few years back.

  • Let’s cover the last minute trick on Alderwoman Wilhelm where a group placed then-Representative Jeff Stone’s flyer in clear plastic door hangers with Wilhelm’s opponent piece a few days before the election insinuating a fake endorsement.

  • Let’s go back to former 3rd District Alderman Ralph Netzel, who nearly resigned due to unknown people stalking his home and scaring his family.

  • Let’s go talk with former 1st District Alderman Don Dorsan who had to compete with flyers laced with heavy lies during the election between he and Olson.

  • Let’s recall the Boomgaard district and the $400,000+ wasted that directly involved Olson’s friends, nearly naming the district a Dutch term for “apple orchard”. FYI - one of his friends is of Dutch nationality.

  • Let’s look at “collusion” between one or more aldermen and Olson. For example, who’s Olson’s campaign treasurer?

  • Let’s cry foul that Olson’s supporters continue to discuss Basil Ryan having a record, or being a criminal, neither of which is true.

These are a few examples during Olson’s tenure as an elected official, showing a neatly-tuned hidden agenda that someone (or some group) is behind. FT sees this not ending anytime soon, with the Baleful Blogger recruited for these continued manipulative, twisting-the-truth tactics.

With what’s been happening lately on Franklin’s Facebook community groups, along with so many past controversies, FT has come down to the following conclusion:

The real problem Franklin faces is how our current Mayor operates.

He is excellent at allowing others to spread and twist agendas in his favor. If there was/is any collusion, it’s an eye-opening message to the aldermen who know they are being played. Olson has been part of our political scene for many, many years. It is about time the community started taking some of these issues, past and present, more seriously.

We will never change Franklin’s image with a Mayor who has supporters like the Baleful Blogger and his various suggestions, opinions, and conspiracies.

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