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Let's pull back the curtain on Olson's dirty political tactics (Part I)

The following sentence was taken from a recent post by Mayor Olson on Facebook: “A well respected volunteer city committee member is being criticized for public statements made about the performance of some elected officials and his volunteer appointment is now being threatened."

What the mayor refuses to acknowledge is the points do not stem from statements related to “performance”.

That’s what he and the Baleful Blogger are working hard to make you believe.

The sequencing of events do not add up in Olson’s favor. Also, there is a clear difference in what this commissioner did. He deliberately and knowingly provided the public untruthful information to start a controversy, such as:

• Extreme inflation of projects costs while not acknowledging other projects

• Made pointed & dishonest statements related to project execution shortcuts

• Made strong charges that an elected official used their position to personally benefit when the project had no geographical relation

Any threat to a mayoral re-appointment of this commissioner truly stems from:

1) Bringing it on himself with being dishonest and by discrediting all 6-voting aldermen who gave the people pleading for help (200+ signatures) a solid safety solution

2 ) The mayor supporting this wrongful information with his above deliberate fallacy statement that the commissioner was making statements about performance.

3) The mayor’s need for re-election, which is counting on making Parks Chairman Pautz a hero

The more appropriate action by the mayor would be to not condone or tolerate publicly posted lies from a volunteer commissioner or to twist the topic in order to secure votes.

Olson publishing “Certainly, I HOPE that the criticism is based on fact” within the what could be argued a "let’s all get along" post, after his blogging buddy posts lies, which Olson apparently condones, is unsettling at best. Starting the park/sidewalk controversy via a blogging buddy behind the curtain then turning the table as being the holy-roller is typical of Olson's MO, one that would not be tolerated in Oak Creek.

More to come in Part II.

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